Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Revit News & Resources

The UK Revit Users group is hosting a Revit Design Awards 2007 but you have to work in the UK to enter.

For those of you familiar with Content Highway or other Family File managers there is a new program being exhibited at this years AIA Convention in San Antonio, Texas. It's called techtonic and includes many very attractive features. TechtonicStudio also has a library of 100,000 commercial interior finishes for those of you who do a lot of photorealistic rendering and could use a new source of material maps.

Sometimes visitors to my blog ask me how they can print the blog for future reference. If you have a PDF writer like PDFCreator, CutePDF, or PDF Factory you should be able to print the webpage to PDF.


  1. Cabinet & Template Files Installation Error while installing RAC 2008

    After accepting License Agreement, When I press Install button to install the "Cabinets File" then "Content Extraction Dialog"

    reports the following errors abut errorneous cabinets, Pressing Skip or Retry doesnt solve error: -

    Error: The data is invalid
    Choose to Retry to skip Cabinet

    When I press Skip, then other error appears: -
    Error: The data is invalid
    Choose to Retry to skip Cabinet

    When I cancel Cabient installation process then, a dialog appears that RAC 2008 is successfully installed but when I run the

    application then it give error that - "AccuRender rendering feature is not available because the Accurender library could not be

    found on your computer. Please check the AccuRender resource path set in settings> Option dialog"

    After it another error appears that the default template file specified in the "File Location" section of the> Setting>Options Dialog

    (C:\Document & Settings\All User\Application Data\Autodesk\RAC 2008\Metric Templates\DefaultUs-Canada.rte) does not

    exist. Other error appearas that: -
    Some of the Revit Content that you chose to install was not successfuly installed, do You want to try and install the content

    When I press Yes to install the require content then the same error occur that: -

    Error: The data is invalid
    Choose to Retry to skip Cabinet

    When I press Skip, then other error appears: -
    Error: The data is invalid
    Choose to Retry to skip Cabinet

    RAC is installed porperly but except the Templates & Cabinet files. I checked in RAC 2008> Settings>Options>File

    Location>Default Template File then Press Browse for looking of defaultUS-Canada.ret, But this template is not exist.
    Pls tell how to install cabients file without any error.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    you need to connect to the internet to get the content. connect to the internet and run that process again it will work
