Friday, October 10, 2014

Schedules Basics & Tips


Types of Schedules:
  • Schedule/Quantities Schedules: Schedule placed (and modeled in-place) families
  • Graphic Column Schedules: A graphical schedule of structural columns
  • Material Takeoff Schedules: Schedule materials in the project
  • Note Block Schedules: Schedule placed instances of a generic annotation family
  • Sheet List Schedules: Schedule sheets in the project
  • View List Schedules: Schedule views in the project
  • Embedded Schedules: In Schedules of Spaces, Electrical Circuits, Piping Systems, or Mechanical Systems
  • Key Schedules: Key in typical parameters to quickly populate large schedules of the same category
  • Keynote Legends: Keynote elements from a predefined list of Key Values & Text
  • Revision Schedules: Live in the titleblock families


There are a heck of a lot of cool ideas out there for schedules.  This post is a small fraction.

1.  Need to identify what type or category of schedule you are looking at?
  • In the Properties of the Schedule, edit “fields.” The type of Schedule is in the title of the window and the categories is often in the "Select from available fields" dropdown.
  • A Key Schedule will have an additional Parameter in the properties called "Parameter Name.”

2.  Is a Shared Parameter necessary?
  • Usually when you introduce a .rfa file (ex. tag or component) a shared parameter is necessary to tag or schedule the parameter. However, Generic Annotation families do not need to have shared parameters, to populate a Note Block Schedule.
  • In addition, a value that schedules for a system family does not need to be a shared parameter, unless you are also tagging it (.rfa).

3.  Are you using a Shared Parameter in a tag or component and you're having trouble referencing it in your Key Schedules? 
  • Key Schedules will not support them. Consider FINALLY using those Hard-coded parameters that come with Revit families OOTB.  They ARE available in both tags and Key Schedules.

4.  Is text wrapping for your General Notes or other text (placed with the Text Tool) giving you grief? 
  • Consider creating a Key Schedule (preferably from an unused category). You will have all the flexibility of Schedules (and even access to some of the new enhancements).

5.  A material is in the model but you can't find it in the Material Takeoff Schedule? 
  • Materials applied with the Paint Tool are excluded from a Material Takeoff Schedule

6.  A material is in the Material Takeoff Schedule but you can't find it in the model?
  • Right Click and select "Show" to find where this item is in the model

7.  Want to manage in bulk the "issue dates" for sheets or the "title on sheet" for views?
  • Consider creating Sheet List and View List Schedules for internal QC

8.  Want to link an Excel File into Revit?
  • In Excel, Isolate just the portion of table you would like to import
  • Save as xls or xlsx
  • In AutoCAD, Create a table (command “TABLE”)
  • From a Data Link
  • Create a new excel data link
  • Browse to location of excel file
  • Select Excel sheet to link
  • Say OK and place in model view
  • In Revit, Create a new LEGEND view with scale set to 12” = 1’-0”
  • Link your dwg file into Revit
  • To Update your schedule
  • Make a change to the excel file and save
  • In the AutoCAD file, right click on table and “Update Table Data Links” and save
  • In Revit, Manage links and reload the DWG file

9.  Want to Calculate Costs for Material Areas or Volumes?

Formula examples:

  • QTO_Calc SF = yes/no parameter
  • QTO_Calc CF = not(Material: QTO_Calc SF)
  • QTO_Unit Cost = currency parameter
  • QTO_Unit Total = if(Material: QTO_Calc SF, (Material: QTO_Unit Cost * Material: Area / 1 SF), (Material: QTO_Unit Cost * Material: Volume / 1 CF))

Practical Repeaters

It's never too late to learn about Conceptual Massing, Adaptive Components and Repeaters.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Family Array Basics & Tips

  • In the Family Editor you can Array a geometry or nested family (ex. linear or radial)
  • Always group and associate to assign an integer parameter for the array
  • Move to 2nd or Last depending on how you will dimension and calculate the Array
  • After an array, select an instance of the new group and then the array "dimension"
  • Assign a "Label" in the options bar to control the array count with an Integer Parameter


1. It's not uncommon for a family content builder to parameterize the array count and then leave the count open for the end user to flex.  Consider adding an Optimal Spacing parameter so that when the length of the family is flexed, the spacing between shelves, muntins, rafter tails, etc. remains a desirable constant and let Revit calculate the Array Count.  The designers will love you.

Not good enough? For scheduling (ex. rafter tail counting) make the Array Count a shared parameter and the PMs will celebrate too.

Formula examples:
  • Optimal Spacing = a default "Length" value for the office standard
  • Array Count = (Length/Optimal Spacing) + 1
2. Ever need an array count of 1? There are a number of ways to do this:
  • Offsetting the first and last instance of an array (toward the center of the array) with an Offset Array parameter, so that the first and last overlap in the center when the array count is equal to 1.

Formula examples:
  • Optimal Spacing = a typical "Length" value for the office standard
  • Array Count = (Length/Optimal Spacing)
  • Array Count True = If(Array Count < 2, 2 , Array Count)
  • Offset Array = if(Array Count < 2, (Length / 2), 0')

  • Other Possible Solutions:
    • hiding the first and last element of the array in the geometry of another element like muntins in the stile of a wood panel door
    • Using yes/no parameters to visibly turn off the array and turn on a single instance when Array Count = 1

3. Are you getting errors when you try to model 2 arrays in the same family?
  • Create the arrays in separate families and nest them into a host family

4. Are your muntins, shelves, or other crossing element arrays giving you the tic-tac-toe (#) look at an intersection? Does a join geometry not always work for you?
  • Consider adding a slight curve to the front and back of your muntins/shelves and don't join geometry
    • might also be helpful for many railing family intersection challenges.